Tuesday, March 8, 2016


If you don't live completely under a rock, then you may have heard of the name Donald Trump countless times, especially now that the presidential election is underway. I felt an overwhelming need to write a post about him considering the fact that this man has deliberately embarrassed himself multiple times on national television. Not sure how a wealthy businessman who has little to no actual experience in politics would even be considered a suitable leader for our country.

Many people will try to bring up Ronald Reagan. Apparently Reagan was a "great" president even though EVEN THOUGH he was only an actor. Because of Reaganomics, the middle-lower classes suffered greatly. My father went to college during Reagan's presidency. Reagan stripped my father and many other students of their federal grants. As a result, my father could not pay for his education and was forced to drop out. Inflation went through the roof. Reagan made it more difficult for those who were financially struggling to acquire aid, my great-grandmother being one of them. Reagan may have been a "great" president for the upper class, but was one of the worst things to ever happen to the middle-lower class.

Okay, okay, I get it. Donald Trump "tells it like it is". He (apparently) knows how to restore the American economy just because he's a billionaire and owns many different businesses, (four of them went bankrupt, by the way). He can "make America great again". Whatever the hell that means. I wouldn't necessarily call a country that rose to power through the blood. sweat and tears of enslaved people "great" but whatever sounds good, right? It just baffles me that out of all presidential candidates, people favor the one with NO REAL PLAN for this country. I can't tell you how many times I've seen news reporters and other candidates ask him what his plans are and instead of answering the question, he would beat around the bush and verbally attack others. Watch this video closely.

Are you kidding me? THIS is the man people want as president? He's like a bratty seven year old who throws tantrums any time he doesn't get his way. Notice when he says "I don't repeat myself", but then says it again immediately after. This guy is a joke and if America elects him, this country will be the laughing stock of the entire globe. So not only does he NOT have an adequate health care plan, but he refuses to tell the world exactly where he will be getting the money to build a wall across the Mexican border to keep out "rapists" and "drug dealers". He instead just tells the media that somehow SOMEHOW he'll get Mexico to pay for it. And here's what former Mexican president Felipe Calderon had to say.

So Trump, Mexico's not paying for the wall. What are you going to do now? Trump is making it seem as if all of America's problems are caused by Mexicans. He makes it seem as if it's only the Mexicans that come into this country causing the crime rate to increase. I can see from my own two eyes that Mexicans are some of the hardest working people in this country. Many of them do menial jobs such as housekeeping and janitorial work because that is all that's available to them. And if Mexico refuses to build the wall then who will? Not American upper class citizens. Not even the middle class. So who will do it? The lower class? Mexican-Americans who are already struggling?

Donald Trump's policies are frighteningly similar to Adolf Hitler's. Hitler blamed all of Germany's problems on the Jews. Hitler wanted to "make Germany great". And he also proposed that all Jews had some form of ID. Sounds pretty much like Donald Trump's attempt to ID all Muslims in America (after terrorist attacks) and even ban them from migrating into the country. Donald Trump's Islamophobia has gotten way out of hand and it's spreading like a virus. I don't care what anyone says. Donald Trump is RACIST and PREJUDICED. He would make a horrible president.

He has said awful things about women. Who would want a misogynistic hothead as leader of our country? He has undermined the successes of U.S Army veterans just because they weren't wounded or killed. He has openly poked fun at the disabled AND he refused to condemn the Ku Klux Klan and ex-leader David Duke. Now what does THAT tell you? Look at this clip.

There is just no way in hell that Donald Trump could have NOT known about David Duke and the KKK. This reporter clearly is speaking on white supremacy. If Trump was smart he would have linked white supremacy with the KKK and refuse their support. But you see, Trump did NOT do that. He knew exactly what that reporter was saying but Trump pretended like he innocently just "didn't know". He just didn't want to denounce the KKK or David Duke. Save it, Trump. We're not stupid.

Just a few more points before I go. Donald Trump opposes increasing the U.S. minimum wage claiming it would hurt the economy even more. So what are we supposed to do, just sit there and let prices of food, clothing and other necessities increase while our wages stay put? How are we going to make ends meet? Trump opposes part of the 14th Amendment which states that those born on American soil have the right to be considered American citizens. He is pro-life and opposes gay marriage. Sad to say, but people in other countries are watching as elections get closer and they are just as surprised as I am that Americans love this man so much.

Donald Trump may "tell it like it is", but sometimes "telling it like it is" is not the best way to go. There is a little thing called diplomacy and Donald Trump is anything but diplomatic so yeah he can "tell it like it is" and before you know it, we'll be in World War 3. Oh but wait, I forgot, America profits from war so maybe that's the goal here?

Americans just might be stupid enough to elect this idiot president. And if they do, mark my words, I am packing my bags and moving to Canada.

Til next time

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