Thursday, February 18, 2016


Living with RBF isn't easy. But it does have its perks. Some of us have been blessed (and/or cursed) with a condition known to this generation as "Resting Bitch Face". I've had it since birth...probably haha. And I blame/thank my mother for this rather unique quality of mine because she too possesses the face of seriousness! Ever heard of the saying "It takes more muscles to frown than to smile"? Well, in my case, it takes more muscles to smile than to frown. Seriously! And no I'm not doing that on purpose. That's just the face I'm comfortable with, but people think I'm ready to bite their heads off and spit out the eyeballs.

PROS: Resting Bitch Face doesn't have to be all bad! There are some advantages to it. Let me show you a few examples.

1) It helps prevent unwanted attention.

Guys can sometimes be a huge pain in the arse. Especially if they try to hit on you/catcall when you don't want to be bothered. Without Resting Bitch Face, you would be considered more...I don't know...approachable I guess? If guys aren't afraid of you, they would be more likely to approach you. Some can even turn it up a notch and start harassing you. And this can happen anywhere--on the street, at the store, ESPECIALLY in a club/bar. But there is just something about that Resting Bitch Face that acts as some kind of douchebag repellent. All you have to do is look at them, and they get scared, which means no creeps standing in your way! Just note that this doesn't work EVERY time. There are some guys who will try their luck regardless of whether or not you have RBF, but it does work. 

2) Some may find it sexy.

Ever wondered why supermodels always walk the runway and take pictures looking soooo serious? I know I have. It's because society teaches people that pouting is sexy. Now don't get me wrong, smiles are sexy too (especially Leo DiCaprio's), but again, we keep seeing a trend of models taking pictures and walking the runway looking like they just murdered five people. It's just part of our culture.
I don't know about you but it makes me feel good to know that even though the chance of me becoming a runway model is slim to none, the sexy supermodel pout is like second nature to me *shrugs*.

3) You can be intimidating to people you don't like.

Let's face it. Girls can be bitchy, catty, whatever. So if your arch nemesis happens to be a female, and you have RBF, chances are she may think you're crazy or that you're after her (I'm currently going through this as we speak). And, as a result, she would stay clear out of your way, which in her case, may be her best option. Of course, girls will talk smack about you behind your back but sometimes would be too scared to say any of that to your resting bitch face (again, I'm living proof). However, don't let it bother you because it just shows that you are above them. They tremble in your presence even though they may try to act tough.

CONS: Since we are focusing on the good, the bad and the ugly, let's take a look at some of the downsides of living with RBF.

1) You can be intimidating to people you DO like.

Got a crush? Your resting bitch face can hinder your chances of winning over your Prince Charming, simply because he may think you hate him. This is pretty much the opposite of PRO 1 and PRO 3. If it's a guy you actually like, if it's a guy you dream about every night, you're definitely going to want his attention! And who knows? He may be interested in you too but would be too shy to do anything about it. If he's shy, and you're shy then absolutely no sparks will fly. So sometimes, it will be up to you to make yourself more approachable and show him that you're not going to kill him. This means that you will need to try extra hard to make up for your uncontrollable bitch face. Try breaking the ice, tell a joke, talk about something you can both relate to. That's sure to get a conversation going and might eventually turn into a relationship depending on how close you become.

2) People always ask if you're okay.

Trust me, it's great that you care enough about me to show concern when you think something's wrong. But I guarantee you, 95% of the time, there is NOTHING wrong with me. Almost every day, I get tons of people asking "what's wrong? what's the matter? are you okay?" And almost every day I reply with "nothing, nothing and yes". Then sometimes I get that look, as if they don't believe me. And after a while it does get a little annoying, having to answer the same questions over and over.

3) People just assume you're a bitch without getting to know you.

For some odd reason, people tend to make assumptions about people without getting to know them first. This definitely holds true for people with RBF. Just because I look bitchy doesn't necessarily mean I am. If you actually take the time out to get to know me, you would be pleasantly surprised at how down-to-earth I am. But it's just a matter of giving me a chance to express myself. People I'm very close with always tell me that they thought I hated them when we met. And look at us now! Inseparable like peanut butter and jelly!

The point I'm trying to make here is that RBF can be either good or bad, depending on your perception of it. And if you can relate to any of what I said, chances are you have RBF too so join the club! We can't help it. It's part of who we are, so why not embrace it!

'Til next time!

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